A New Chapter…

It really IS a new chapter in more ways than one.

I came to a decision to close down my Patreon page. I’d suspended it a couple of times  over the last year while I became too busy with work and life in general to really be able to concentrate on providing the appropriate relationship between myself and my supporters. I’m not just talking rewards, but something that I think supporters deserve, which is a two-way street of information and communication. While my schedule (And focus) isn’t allowing this to happen, I thought it only right to close it down, at least until I’m in a position to establish something more substantial in less “dense” times!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who came along with me for my short Patreon journey. I know who you are and certain individuals will be receiving something a little special in the near future. I won’t forget the difference you made to me.

As far as my continuing work goes, firstly, I am up to my neck in my biggest writing project to date. I can’t give any more details at this point in time, but needless to say, there *will* be a “product” at the end of all the work that I hope to be proud of.

Secondly, there is something in the pipeline on the audio side of things. Again, there will be an end product that I can shout to the rooftops about when the time comes. Famous authors have been mentioned. Actors known to the fans of a certain scifi show have been mentioned. JOB TITLES have been mentioned. Music is most definitely involved.

As and when I can talk a bit more, this will be the place I’ll be doing it…