Whoblique Strategies

1977: Brian Eno and David Bowie apply random oblique strategy cards to the recording of Bowie’s Low and “Heroes” LPs. From rock ‘n’ roll comes a new kind of art.

2017: playwright Elton Townend Jones and his Vortex of Wholigans apply the same strategy cards to every Doctor Who TV story. From time ‘n’ space comes a new kind of magic.

Over 275 stories, over 275 bursts of fast fiction, 70 writers, 16 Doctors, and a whole new adventure across the history of everyone’s favourite Time Lord.

Whoblique Strategies from Chinbeard Books by A Vortex of Wholigans.
Edited, conceived and commissioned by Elton Townend-Jones.
Sleeve, internal illustrations (And various written contributions) by Simon A Brett.

Available direct from Amazon

The Unofficial Doctor Who Limerick Book

The Unofficial Doctor Who Limerick Book

Shirt once had an idea
To make a book with limericks appear.
To get the thing made
We asked people for aid
And now the charity book is here.

People sent in lots of poems
Even folks, though we hardly know ’em
We had pictures galore
And oh so much more
Now we are ready to show ’em

Available to order up until the end of April via http://drwholimerickbook.strikingly.com/ featuring 3 illustrations by yours truly, with all profits going to MIND…